
Adam You Ignorant Slut

Adam, clearly you misunderstood me when I said 'great.' As you have no doubtedly discovered for yourself now, this is by far the best movie i have seen in a long time, yes, even better than 'Lost in Translation,' and we all know how much I loved that. Truth be told, I never really cared for Kate Winslet, but she is absolutely stunning throughout this entire piece. And Jim Carrey is amazing as Joel, brilliant character portrayed perfectly. As I once explained it to Adam:

jim carrey = not jim carrey
kate winslet = fine

And as far as Adam's non-contrived ending goes, well...he's right. The ending is perfect. It plays right into how the movie had described the characters, and I believe is exactly what would have happened if it were real. I absolutely loved it. Truth be told, I was terribly depressed for the rest of the day when I saw it (as I saw a 1:10 p.m. showing the day it opened), but that was due to how much I identified with the characters having recently experienced a similar downfall of a relationship.

During perhaps one of the best, most fitting parts of the movie (and definitely one of the hardest to watch emotionally), Kirsten Dunst's character reads an excerpt from a poem:

"Eloisa to Abelard"
by Alexander Pope (not Pope Alexander)

207 How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
208 The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
209 Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
210 Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;
211 Labour and rest, that equal periods keep;
212 "Obedient slumbers that can wake and weep;"
213 Desires compos'd, affections ever ev'n,
214 Tears that delight, and sighs that waft to Heav'n.
215 Grace shines around her with serenest beams,
216 And whisp'ring angels prompt her golden dreams.
217 For her th' unfading rose of Eden blooms,
218 And wings of seraphs shed divine perfumes,
219 For her the Spouse prepares the bridal ring,
220 For her white virgins hymeneals sing,
221 To sounds of heav'nly harps she dies away,
222 And melts in visions of eternal day.

Now, she actually only says the first four lines of this, but I found the entire stanza to be too beautiful and fitting of the movie to not include. The full poem itself is infact several stanzas, and is in total 366 lines.

This is my response to Adam for saying that I didn't do the movie justice with 'great':

sad, depressing, romantic, funny, tragic, chaotic, reminiscent, nostalgic, amazing, apalling, sweet, touching, honest, beautiful, frightening, gorgeous, crazy, clumsy, dizzying, mesmerizing, calm, peaceful, memorable, brilliant, magnificent, and soothing

This is my definition of the word 'great,' when I told Adam that this movie was 'great.' But who knows, perhaps I should just say that this movie was nice.

Stay tuned for my regularly scheduled Weekend Movie Review, where I will tell you of movies such as 'Dawn of the Dead,' and hopefully 'The Ladykillers,' if time allows.

Due to popular demand, the WAUT has returned. Currently, and fittingly, 'nice' shall be known as the WAUT. If you wish to understand, you will have to go see 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.'

Never try to forget something. No matter how bad you believe a past experience to be, you wouldn't be the person you are now without those events. They have shaped who you are, and you cannot deny this. So instead of trying to erase you past and change who you are, embrace your memories, the good and the bad. Go forth and make knew memories for yourself, and try to help others make fond ones as well.


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