
Stalkerbook for the new school year

I'm not going to be that guy who yells at the many, many people who are themselves railing against the new features of facebook. But I'm not going to join them, either. Don't get me wrong, there are some issues with the new News Feed and mini-feed, and I'm all for privacy protection. But it seems to me that the gut reaction against the feed is just that - a gut reaction. Once you look through what's actually on there, it's generally stuff that most people on your friends list could find anyway. The big problem is that there is no easy way to opt out, other than deleting each and every individual action you have taken. Bad news, especially since facebook was finally starting to do a good job of reconciling privacy protection with the great good it can do in connecting people and killing time. They allow you now to change who can see which aspects of your profile in each of the networks you have joined. Personally, I'm alright with the mini-feed on facebook - it makes it much easier for me to see how my friends have changed their own profiles, which saves me time and energy. Facebook does need to add the News Feed to the privacy settings, and I hope such a change is forthcoming. Hopefully once people have a way to turn it off and on, the rioting on facebook will come to a peaceful conclusion. I'm sure I'll take some heat in the comments from this, so let's hear it.


At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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