
Throwaway Post: Best of the Web

Sorry about the dearth of posting since I came back. It's been a long week in the world of Civil Procedure and Property (no Torts yet, though...that's for the Spring). Anyway, some housekeeping to take care of. Not that you can tell, since he hasn't posted again, yet, and I haven't had a chance to change the information around the site, but Collin's back. That's right, ladies 'n' gents, the Linesbomb will be resuming his rightful place as a contributor to Culturegeist. Hopefully he'll be able to fill in the gaps of time when law school has my ass in a blender, and I am unable to find time to post.

Anyway, rather than taking time to write out a proper rant, I'm just going to point you to a couple of sites that are at least as good as this one when it comes to killing time online. The first one hasn't been updated in a few months (sound familiar?), but it made my buddy Max famous in New Zealand's little corner of the Internet for a little while. The link has actually been on here for a while now - I'm just now actually properly mentioning it. I refer of course to Nuclear Bob's Shirt of the Day: one man's dream to show the world every shirt he owns - and trust me, there are plenty of them. The site that's been keeping me distracted and laughing for a while now, though, is the Internet Word Generator, created and maintained by Alan, another friend of mine at Purdue. Basically, it creates smashups of words to make some really hilarious new words, most of which have actually never been uttered before. Some of my favorites include Snakes-on-astan, gynomatic, and necrorhythm, but there really are too many to list.

I'll do my best to get a new Hypometer up by the end of the weekend...Also a new pick of the week is up. Huzzah to the return of Aaron Sorkin! Hopefully I'll have a review or something about the pilot up by the end of Tuesday. There are my goals, let's see how it goes.


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